Learn about the different types of hybrid cars

Honda CRZ

The hybrid cars They have been on our roads for some time now. They are one of the alternatives to traditional internal combustion vehicles, that is, to the popular gasoline and diesel engines that we have had until now.

The hybrids are much less polluting than these, but they do not finish imposing themselves. To a large extent, this is due to their high prices (although there are subsidies for your purchase). But also because there are still not enough charging points. However, as we will see, not all types of hybrids need them. To shed a little light on this topic, we are going to present to you the different types of hybrid cars what's in the market.

Microhybrids (MHEV)

hybrid engine

Hybrid car engine

Also known as mild hybrids, they are a more affordable option for those who want one of these vehicles, but do not want to spend a lot of money. In reality, they do not have a hybrid engine, but rather a traditional combustion engine. But They incorporate an additional electric battery which also stores kinetic energy.

Thanks to it, the engine can start and move with less effort. In addition, this extra energy is used to operate other elements of the car such as the power steering or air conditioning. Also, with this formula, CO2 emissions into the atmosphere are reduced by up to 25%.

On the other hand, microhybrids are cars designed for urban trips. In these, stops and starts are more common, which is where they are truly useful. Good examples of this type of vehicle are the Suzuki Ignis, Audi A4 or Volkswagen Golf 1.5 eTSIA.

Non-plug-in hybrid cars (HEV)

hybrid suzuki

A hybrid Suzuki Swift

As their name indicates, they are characterized because they do not need to join a charging point to refill the electric battery. They are vehicles that have two engines, one, precisely, electric and the other traditional combustion. The latter is usually used on interurban routes and, when in operation, provides the energy which needs the electric battery.

However, for this same reason, the capacity of the latter is limited. In other words, you can't make long trips with the electric motor. On the other hand, they have reduced consumption levels and are also less polluting. In the best case, reduce CO2 emissions by 35%.

Good examples of this type of automobile are the Toyota CHR, Fiat 500, Nissan Qashqai or Renault arkana. But also the Toyota Yaris, Kia Sportage or Ford Puma. Logically, these cars have their traditional version, but they also have non-plug-in hybrid models.

Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV)

hybrid porsche

Porsche also has its plug-in hybrid cars like the Panamera

We now come to the most popular type of hybrid cars. They are the ones that we have to plug into a power outlet so that their battery is recharged. Furthermore, these are cars in which the electric motor takes on almost all the prominence.

For this reason, its batteries are up to ten times larger and more powerful than in previous cases. In turn, this guarantees greater speed and acceleration without having to use the internal combustion engine. However, this continues to be necessary. It comes into operation when we need extra power and speed and it provides it to us.

On the other hand, at normal speeds, it behaves just like any electric car, without the gasoline engine intervening. On the other hand, on short distances it saves a lot of fuel compared to traditional vehicles. However, this advantage is reduced and is comparable to that of a traditional hybrid after fifty or sixty kilometers of travel.

Another advantage of this type of hybrid car is that they recharge faster than pure electric ones. Furthermore, its polluting effect is reduced steel, as long as the gasoline engine does not come into operation. But it also has some drawbacks.

hyundai hybrid

The Hyundai Ioniq hybrid

They are not the most effective for medium and long distances, as they are more expensive and less efficient than the combined hybrid cars that we saw previously. Furthermore, you have to charge it daily since, although it can run only on gasoline, it is ineffective due to its high weight and size. Likewise, charging takes a few hours, which requires leaving the car stationary for a long time. Finally, these are cars that are still quite expensive and difficult to amortize.

As for some of the best plug-in hybrid car models, they are the MG EHS Plug-in, Porsche Panamera Turbo E-Hybrid or BMW-XM. But we can also mention others such as Kia Xceed PHEV, Renault Capture E-Tech or Peugeot 508 Plug-in Hybrid.

On the other hand, you have a plug-in hybrid car variant on the market that has certain differences with this one. These are the so-called series hybrids or extended range electric. They work in a similar way to the previous ones, but their peculiarity is that the combustion engine only comes into operation when the electric battery is discharged. has completely exhausted. In other words, it is a car that works like an electric car, but uses a gasoline engine to power it. expand your travel range.

Advantages of hybrid cars

Toyota Prius

Toyota Prius, perhaps the most popular among plug-in hybrid cars

To finish informing you about hybrid cars, we will talk to you about the main advantages they present. First of all, they are more ecological than traditional combustion ones. Depending on the cases, they can reach zero emissions.

Additionally, they allow you save on fuel. The electricity to recharge them, at least for now, is considerably cheaper than gasoline and diesel. Instead, The price of these vehicles is still much higher than that of the traditional ones. However, it is true that the state offers subsidies for purchase and, furthermore, pure electric ones are even more expensive.

However, perhaps The biggest drawback of this type of car is its recharging.. There are still not enough "electro-stations" on Spanish roads, that is, places where you can charge your electric battery again. It is true that, by also having a combustion engine, trips are easier than, for example, in the aforementioned pure electric vehicles.

In conclusion, we have shown you the different types of hybrid cars, as well as its advantages and main disadvantages. If you are thinking about buying a car, you already have the information you needed. Now the decision depends on your needs and tastes. In any case, Dare to try these vehiclesEven you can rent them to check its operation.

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