Adam Sandler's best and worst movies

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Adam Sandler is one of the most popular actors on the American scene. Apart from being an actor who makes us laugh easily, he is a guy who has a star, because for some unknown reason, we like him. It is difficult to find someone who says that they dislike this boy, and his films speak for themselves, because they are quite successful at the box office, although as in any list of titles by any artist, there are better and worse films. Do you want to refresh your memory with us and find out what they are? Adam Sandler's best and worst movies? We show them to you. 

Because in any case and, even if there are films that are unsmokable, knowing that a movie will be broadcast means preparing some beers or soft drinks, some popcorn and other snacks for watch movies at home, not get up from the couch and get sick of laughing or, at least, those are the expectations when Adam Sandler appears in the cast. 

Adam Sandler's best movies

To choose the ones that are best Adam Sandler movies We have resorted to criticism but also to the popular feelings of its fans. Because who better than them to tell you which movies you shouldn't miss. These are.

Spanglish, the best you can see

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

La Spanglish movie You will like it or, at least, the rest of the audience loved it. We also have extra reasons to see it, because the Spanish actress also participates in it. Paz Vega. The person responsible for this movie is the director James L. Brooks and the script is nothing new and, in fact, it is almost always the same in Adam's movies: a father and his teenage daughter trying to understand each other. 

The originality, so to speak, is that in this plot, they are a father and daughter who are forced to emigrate. In the midst of this complicated scenario, the father will have to rack his brains trying to organize their lives again and wondering what to do with the culture and customs that they bring from their country but that do not completely fit into this new place of residence. Will they be able to adapt to his new life? You will have to see it and, seriously, he will be worth it.

Big kids (the first)

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Be very careful, because “Big kids”There is a sequel and the second part, unfortunately, we leave it for the second part of this article, because it does not enjoy as much admiration. So, be careful and don't get confused, if you really want to have fun watching movies. On this occasion Adam not only performs but also produces and, certainly, he must be congratulated on the result.

Sandler is accompanied by other renowned actors such as Salma Hayek, Chris Rock and Kevin James. Together they created a movie to die for, perhaps because they themselves had fun like children, since they are great friends. 

The plot is simple but enough for the anecdotes to emerge and, with them, the laughs. It tells that 5 friends meet, thirty years later, to attend the funeral of their basketball coach. These 5 kids will continue to behave like kids, despite the passage of decades. 

Make me laugh

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Another Adam Sandler's best movies is Make me laugh. It is not really a comedy, because it has dramatic overtones, since it is about a existential drama What is it like to know that you have little time left to live? This is what happens to the protagonist who, suddenly, will be in a hurry to live to the fullest and to leave everything well tied up. But in moments of humor you will surely laugh.

A cool dad

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

It was one of the first films where Sandler became known as a great actor worth following very closely. Again in his role as a father with conflictive children, although in this case, the little one is only 5 years old. 

The Meyerowitz Stories

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Hear that with this actor you don't just laugh, because he has shown that he can do some pieces of movies also in a more serious tone. One of the examples is The Meyerowitz Stories, where he shares the stage with another giant of the screen such as Dustin Hoffman and Ben Stiller. 

The plot is three brothers, with their differences and rivalries, who meet to celebrate an event for their father, an artist with whom their relationship is not very good either.


Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Another success of this actor and producer is "Claw”, which tells the success story of a basketball player, whom Sandler trains to become a superstar. They say it is one of the best films he has made. 

Rough diamond

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Rough diamond It's a success. So much so that it is considered to be where the actor has played one of his best roles. He plays a quite charismatic jeweler, fond of gambling, aiming to get rich. But he will have to deal with other problems, including family. 

Adam Sandler's worst movies

We have talked about the good things, about the movies you should see. But not all of Sandler's works are worthy of attention and, the titles that we are going to show you, it is better to leave them for last, because other viewers have felt disappointed. 


Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

One of the Adam Sandler's worst movies is Pixels. Too much is played with fantasy and science fiction and, perhaps because the viewer does not expect this from this actor, the project fails. 

Criminals at sea

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Criminals at sea It is another title that goes on the blacklist at once, because it is a story where neither he nor his partner Jennifer Aniston fit well into the role they play. And this is noticeable with the bad results.

mr. Deeds 

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Sandler had another setback with mr. Deeds. They intended to imitate a successful movie as it was The secret of living, by Frank Capra, but he stopped trying and this remake didn't even come close to being the sole of his shoe.

Men, women and children

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

A moralistic movie with Adam Sandler? Go now! It doesn't hit him. And both that it didn't hit him, and that the film barely had an audience and the reviews were the worst. I didn't like the plot, nor did I like the actor as a participant.

Hubie's Halloween

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Sandler wanted to make a horror movie, but to each person their own thing and the horror genre was too big for him. The movie is boring as hell. 


Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

Another not recommended film by this actor is "Click", talks about the passage of time, but didn't know how to make you laugh. And finally, the plot becomes too heavy and overwhelming. 

I declare you man and husband

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

That you make a movie with all the good intentions of making people laugh and they call you homophobic and sexist is not positive at all. This is exactly what happens with the movie “I declare you man and husband.”, where the scripts did not know how to express the message and the plot well and their dialogues ended up becoming offensive to the public's interpretation. 

Big boys 2

Best and worst Adam Sandler movies

We were talking before that the movie Big Kids was funny. But when a joke is repeated several times, it ends up not being funny and becoming tiresome. We can apply the same thing to movies and, mainly, to Big boys 2

These are them best and worst Adam Sandler movies. Now you can decide which movie to watch this weekend. And let it be known that we have warned you.

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