Rowdy Caesar, a Roman haircut

Antonio Banderas

The type of hairstyle Rowdy Caesar It basically consists of a modernization of the traditional Caesar style. At the same time, this is still one of the oldest ways of wearing hair among men, as we will see below.

Under the name of Caesar style we group today several hairstyle shapes that have the common denominator of their classic air. But they are also characterized by their comfort and because they hardly need care, apart from the use of good shampoos. Furthermore, although it is true that it is better for mature men, with its new variants, it also fits younger people. Next, we are going to explain everything you need to know about the Rowdy Caesar style.

Origins of this hairstyle: the Caesar style

Julius Caesar

A bust of Gaius Julius Caesar

As we told you, the Caesar cut is one of the oldest that exists today. In fact, it has its origins in the Aancient rome, although there are experts who place them even further back, specifically, in the Classic Greece. In any case, it owes its name to the famous Roman soldier, writer and statesman of the 1st century BC. Gaius Julius Caesar.

According to historians, he lost much of his hair at a very young age. To hide this lack, he began to comb what was left of him forward. In this way, he covered the part of his head that had no hair. It even formed a kind of fringe that, in people with more hair, would fall on the forehead.

Such was Caesar's popularity in his time that there were many men who They imitated him in his haircut and he became very famous. In fact, throughout the centuries that followed, every time one turned to look at the classicism, the style he established also returned to male heads. For example, this can be seen in 18th century paintings that portray men. Many of them have their haircuts.

Therefore, Caesar type hair consists of comb the hair forward forming those bangs. As for this one, it can be shorter or longer, reaching up to the eyebrows. You can even style your hair on the side. Likewise, the sideburns are left somewhat grown and the upper part of the hair straighter or rowdy. And this last one takes us to the Rowdy César style.

What is the Rowdy César style like?

George Clooney

George Clooney with Rowdy Caesar cut

As you will know if you have studied English, the word rowdy means in this language something like rowdy and this will give you an idea of ​​what this hairstyle is like. In fact, broadly speaking, it is a Caesar cut, but with the hair on the top of the head. longer than usual. In turn, this allows you to give a stirred air or, precisely, riotous. In this it presents a certain contrast with the first, since the classic one showed that part of the hair straight or, at most, a little wavy.

Precisely for this reason, the traditional Caesar is a perfect cut for those who have straight hair. On the other hand, the Rowdy César is better for those men who own it More curly. Until not long ago, if the latter wanted to wear this hairstyle, the only solution was to leave their hair very short. But with this modern variation, they can now wear it longer. Furthermore, there is always the recourse to gel or fixative to help shape it.

In any case, the Rowdy Caesar in particular and its original shape in general return to hair salons and men's haircut catalogs from time to time. It was very fashionable in the nineties of the last century and, even less recently, Hollywood stars such as Antonio Banderas, Gerald butler o George Clooney.

How is this cut made?


In the Rowdy Caesar, the top of the head must be cut with scissors

If you want to get this cut, it is best to put yourself in the hands of a professional. But it doesn't hurt to know how it is created in case you want to do it in a more artisanal way or so you can see if they are doing it right.

The first step is work the lateral and back areas of the head. The hair in these parts should be quite short and even. Likewise, it is advisable to carry out a degraded from the bottom to the top. The areas of the sideburns and ears should also be reviewed.

Then work begins on the top of head. This requires greater care. In fact, the first step can be done with clippers, but the top part has to be cut with scissors for greater precision. Holding the hair between the fingers and tilting the scissors at a forty-five degree angle, the hair is cut. In this way, it is achieved textured and sloppy look by Rowdy Caesar.

To finish, you can apply some type of gel that fixes the hair better or a conditioner that gives it more volume. But, in any case, for your cut to always be good, you must touch it up every four or six weeks. And, when it comes to combing it, it is always better to do it with a fine-toothed comb on the sides and with your own hands on the upper area.

Who does the Rowdy César style suit best?

Tom Daley

British show jumper Tom Daley has also worn the Rowdy Caesar cut

It is one of the cuts more versatile, since it suits most men. However, it is recommended, above all, for those who have a fit head. round or diamond. Instead, It does not look good on those with a long face. The reason is that, by having the hair highlighted on top, it will make it look even longer.

On the other hand, if you want to wear a Rowdy César that fits you well, you must have enough hair at the top of the head. Otherwise, when texturing the hair, gaps would appear. However, by giving it relief, it can also help those who are losing hair in that area because they would hide those bald spots a little.

In conclusion, now you know the style a little better Rowdy Caesar, modern variant of the traditional classic cut which the Roman politician made fashionable many centuries ago. It is one of the forms of hairstyle more comfortable and versatile. In fact, it requires very little maintenance and care. Plus, it suits almost everyone. Go ahead and try it.

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